December 18, 2007

The Ongoing Saga of MacBook Problems

I picked up my MacBook Pro from the repair today, but I’m not sure it’s fully fixed. The original problem seems to be gone; the screen back light is working now. However in my test run this evening I’ve had my laptop freeze up once and reboot twice for no apparent reason. I haven’t a clue why it would be doing this, so I’m worried it might be a hardware short. It could possibly be overheating but I’ve had it act weird soon after bootup when I’m not doing that much.

I’m debating whether it’s worth testing it some more and possibly risking further damage, or just contacting the techs again tomorrow morning.

To my annoyance, it looks like there’s a fair chance I’ll be without my MacBook Pro over the Christmas break, which means I won’t have my digital research notes and won’t be able to work on Flash games until next year. Grrr.

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1 Comment on The Ongoing Saga of MacBook Problems

December 20, 2007

Chris Scott @ 7:03 am:

Sounds like they’ve converted your Mac to a windows system >:|

You wouldn’t be able to take your notes off and use them on another system while your computer’s on holidays?

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